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Feb 5, 2022

According to ENGINE Insight, Those who made resolutions were more optimistic about their future. In addition, 81% of respondents who made resolutions said they will be better off financially in 2022, compared to 58% of those who did not.

5 Great Tips for Keeping Your Financial Resolutions This Year!

1. Find Your Motivation: Without a driving motivator or reason, the “how” doesn’t matter.

2. Start Small: It’s easy to get overwhelmed, especially if you are trying something new – Start with small manageable goals.

3. Pay Yourself First: Put your financial goals first!

4. Stop Holding Yourself Back: Just because you may have failed in the past doesn’t mean you will again. Think about what you can do differently.

5. Create Highly Defined Goals: Be very specific about what it is you want to accomplish, even down to a certain number you want to save or the amount of debt you want to pay off.

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