Insurance Planning

Insurance options for your family and business

Life Insurance

Term Insurance

Provides temporary insurance for your family or business with affordable and flexible coverage. Your term coverage can be between 10 years to 100 years.

Permanent Insurance

Provides lifetime protection and premium guarantees. The coverage typically combines a life payout with a savings component. The two primary types of permanent insurance are whole and universal life.

Living Benefits

Critical Illness Insurance

Will provide a tax-free payout if you are diagnosed with a critical illness. Generally, there are 26 illnesses or conditions covered by the policy, including cancer, heart attack, and stroke.

Disability Insurance

Can provide a tax-free monthly income to help replace your income and cover expenses, if you are unable to work due to illness or accident.

Health and Dental insurance

Are you retiring or soon to be losing your present group benefits coverage? Are you self-employed and need coverage for you and your family? An Individual health and dental plan can help cover your household medical cost, as well as provide coverage for critical illness, disability, and long-term care.

Let’s Do More with Your Insurance

At The Better Planning Group, we will show you how a well-structured insurance plan will provide:

  • Estate Tax Funding
  • Dependant Support
  • Estate Equalization for Business Owners
  • A Tax-efficient alternative to fixed income
  • Utilizing Insurance Assets for Retirement
  • Insured Annuities for Retirees
  • Buy-Sell Funding for Business Owners
  • Collateral Insurance
  • Charitable Insurance
  • Asset Protection

We have access to the best

Which means we will provide you with the right solution at the right price